The Wingfeather Saga, an animated TV show based on the bestselling kid's epic fantasy book series by Andrew Peterson, is announcing a crowdfunding campaign today to fund the creation of the show. Wingfeather will be distributed by Angel Studios, a new movie and TV studio platform putting the power of Hollywood into the hands of everyday Americans. The creators are looking to raise $5 million in 28 days to create Season 1. "Families love shared experiences and we're excited to deliver a multi-season animated TV series that the whole family will enjoy," J. Chris Wall, executive producer/showrunner of The Wingfeather Saga shared. "We're so thrilled to partner with Angel Studios, where we have the freedom to adapt these beloved novels with full creative control and deliver an epic and redemptive experience that is equally whimsical and full of truth" The Wingfeather Saga animated[…] Source